Monday, 16 November 2015

Drafting & Planning / Organisation: Filming

My actress and I both went to Worcester on a day out on the 30th October. I decided to film some scenes for my music video. Some of the scenes are exactly what I wanted and some are made up on the spot but I am proud of them anyway.
All of my filming feature different shots such as close ups, medium close ups, long shot, etc. I think some of my shots are a bit shaky but I am going to use a stabilizer I have found so that they looked more smooth and sophisticated.
Most of the shots such as the swans and the church scenes will feature at the start of my music video as they fit with the beginning of 'Video Games' and how there is light music that fades away once Lana Del Rey begins singing.
I have reasons for using the costume I did and the location which have been explained in previous posts 1 & 2.
For some of the clips I have used a Cinematic Sound from You tube so that the dialogue from me isn't featured because it is quite loud in some of the shots.

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