Saturday, 28 November 2015

Drafting & Planning: Filming Woodland Scenes

On the 27th November myself and my actress went to a hidden woodland area that we had found years ago that has a stream. This place is perfect for some scenes in my music video as its raw and natural and has natural lighting to emphasize the harsh reality of a break up. This one clip features my actress walking across the woodland and the camera pans from right to left so that she eventually comes into the shot. The emptiness of the shot except for her and the woods and the dark / natural colours emphasize her loneliness after her break up and reveal her sadness and how she has been left to wander by herself.
I am happy with this shot and will edit it and use it in my music video and it will be featured as part of the 'sad and emotional part' of my actress life after the break up.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Organisation: Call List

I have made a call list for today so that all of the information and filming schedule is clear. My actress knows what to wear and where to be and what time which is perfect so everything will run smoothly. I also know what I need to bring such as pieces of paper with song lyrics written on so that filming will be successful as without these I will be unable to film some of my scenes.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Target Audience: Reponses to Edited Footage

I posted my edited footage of my actress' hand held spinning around clip on YouTube (which was talked about in a previous post) and am happy to see that everyone who responded gave positive feedback.
No one really said anything negative and no one said anything on how to improve so I am happy with the edited footage I have done. I will definitely use this footage in my music video as many people said it is 'nostalgic' and fits with my idea of my actress being happy in the past.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Target Audience / Organisation: Reponses to Footage

I asked my friend to comment on two or three of my YouTube videos as I had uploaded some footage I had filmed for my music video. My friend gave positive feedback and positive vibes which have inspired me and made me feel good about the footage I have filmed. She gave me some tips such as shooting some more scenes where my actress looks sadder about the break up between her and her boyfriend rather than focus solely on the past when she was happy.
I love the suggestion that my friend gave, that my actress' boyfriend is holding the camera and filming my actress through their daily experiences so I will aim to do just this and in some clips I will make sure it is clear that my actress is looking directly at the camera so that it feels like she is looking at her boyfriend which will show their deep connection before they broke up and maybe during the process of breaking up. I feel that using close ups during these clips I plan to do with help greatly in telling the story in my music video and my actress' emotions will be clear throughout.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Drafting & Planning: Footage

In my music video I wanted a close up of my actress spinning around but I wanted it to look like she was holding the camera so we both cooperated and she held the camera and spun around. I am really happy with this footage as it is my best yet. It is unique and quirky but also quite abstract and is something that would be seen and is seen in many of Lana Del Rey's music video's.
I also edited the footage on Movie Plus X6. I used the effect 'old film' and changed the colour to a light tint of pink / grey. By using the effect of 'old film' this clip has a nostalgic feel and also reflects the fact that my actress will be looking back on past times when she was happier. I love the scratches and splotches that come up as it gives it a really old fashioned feel. Im so happy with this footage and the edit I have done so I will definitely be using this in my final music video.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Organisation: Back of CD Cover

I have looked at some images of Lana Del Rey that I think would be suitable for the back of a CD cover. The way Del Rey is positioned in all of the images in what I am looking for as she looks melancholy or maybe dazed in some. I would like to see if my actress can pose for some images for the back of my CD cover with these images in mind.
The first image is ideal for a back cover as it could be cropped and the text could go around the side of the artist. The green colour scheme also fits with my idea of using the outdoors and my idea of nature featured within my whole music video project.
The second image is also good as it is quite sad and dark and looks like Del Rey is looking at something in deep thought. I like this idea and might try it with my actress. I think a facial expression like this could really set the mood for some of my CD and fits with my idea of my actress breaking up with her boyfriend.
The last image is my absolute favourite. It fits perfectly with my idea of outdoors and nature. I think I will use an image similar to this for the back of my CD cover as it ties in nicely with my themes. I think the close up is too much to feature on the front cover of a CD but will fit nicely on the back and this ties in with Del Rey's CD cover of 'Ultraviolence' where there is a close up of her on the back but a medium close up on the front.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Drafting & Planning / Organisation: Filming

My actress and I both went to Worcester on a day out on the 30th October. I decided to film some scenes for my music video. Some of the scenes are exactly what I wanted and some are made up on the spot but I am proud of them anyway.
All of my filming feature different shots such as close ups, medium close ups, long shot, etc. I think some of my shots are a bit shaky but I am going to use a stabilizer I have found so that they looked more smooth and sophisticated.
Most of the shots such as the swans and the church scenes will feature at the start of my music video as they fit with the beginning of 'Video Games' and how there is light music that fades away once Lana Del Rey begins singing.
I have reasons for using the costume I did and the location which have been explained in previous posts 1 & 2.
For some of the clips I have used a Cinematic Sound from You tube so that the dialogue from me isn't featured because it is quite loud in some of the shots.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Organisation: Photos

My actress has given me a few photos of her and her boyfriend so that I am able to use them in my music video. I have an idea that during the chorus of 'Video Games' when Del Rey sings, 'it's you it's you it's all for you' I will project these images on to my actress in a quick slideshow so that it emphasizes the sadness she is feeling over the lost relationship. These images will reflect happier times and will contrast the the dark mood, expressions and lighting in the scene in the drama studio. These photos will also emphasize the fact that everything my actress does in her life now is because of her partner so this will make a viewer feel sympathy for their broken relationship and for my actress' sadness.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Target Audience: Feedback

My Music Video Pitch from meganmailixo

I have pitched my music video idea to my class and they have given me some insightful feedback.
Practically everyone has said that my idea is good and that my choice of locations are good and fit with my idea and the tone of my music video. No one really criticized my ideas but some people said that I need to make sure that I use a wide range of shots throughout my music video so that they are not all the same and boring.
I am happy with my feedback as it has let me know that my idea isn't silly and that it can actually be something great.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Organisation: Costume / Colour Scheme

I have chosen a specific costume for my actress to wear. My actress is wearing a red/burgundy top with a flowery skirt that is mainly made up of Autumnal colours. She is also wearing black tights and plain black shoes. I love this outfit as it is really simple yet effective as it is pretty and fits with my locations as they are outside and many leaves etc also have the same colours as my actress' costume.
In the first image, the costume contrasts with the yellow leaves which I love as it makes my actress stand out and as my music video will have some dark lighting and a dark mood in some areas the colour of the costume here also reflects this and resembles the idea that my actress contrasts from a light, happy mood.
In the second image the leaves are the same colour as my actress' shirt and skirt. This is effective as it makes my actress seem natural as she fits in with the Autumn weather and colours. This is also coherent as the colour scheme is all tied together. This may show that the location and surroundings are natural and dark like my actress' character in my music video. This location fits very well with my video and costume and I am very pleased that I stumbled upon it.
The colours used in the two images will be used throughout my music video to create a bleak and Autumnal feel to my music video and these colours will also fit with effects and lighting that I will use.
These images have also been used in a previous post as they reveal my chosen location and why it was used.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Research into Similar Products / Drafting & Planning: Album Name

I have been looking at different artist's albums and the names they have chosen for them. Some of the ones I have looked at are:
  • Paradise by Lana Del Rey
  • Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade
  • I Forget Where We Were by Ben Howard
  • Sing Into My Mouth by Iron and Wine
  • Plans by Death Cab For Cutie
By looking at these I have noticed that album names often consist of one to four / five words. I have decided that I will use one to three words for my album name. I also looked further into Lana Del Rey's album names as they are often made up of one to three words. Her album names are:
  • Born To Die
  • Paradise
  • Ultraviolence
  • Honeymoon
These are all primarily made up of one word each except for one. This has narrowed my choice down and I will aim to use one or two words for my own album name. I referred back to a previous post where I created a track list for my digipak. As my music video will be quite dark and have a dark mood to it I looked closely at album names with a mysterious and dark undertone. I also looked closely at the idea of Autumn as the colours and location in my music video will be quite Autumnal. From all of this I have decided I will use the name: The Fall.
This is a very fitting album name as 'fall' implies many things such as falling over or falling far but 'The Fall' suggests a specific type of fall such as the fall of my actress into her sadness after her break up with her boyfriend. 'Fall' also fits with the idea of Autumn as it is another word for it and represents the season. 'The Fall' is so mysterious and fitting that I am so glad I thought of it and it also links with many of my track names. 

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Organisation: Lighting

I have looked at different music videos such as Lana Del Rey's 'Ride', Tom Odell's 'I Know', Architects 'Heartburn' and Lana Del Rey's short film 'Tropico' as they all feature dark/bright lighting or natural lighting which is the type of lighting I want to use in my music video.

I want to use low key lighting in some scenes in my music video but I also want to use natural lighting and high key lighting. The low key lighting will represent darkness and bleakness in my actress' life as she struggles through a terrible break up with her boyfriend. It will also leave a viewer wondering as it will make my actress look mysterious and hidden at some points, forcing the viewer to think of why such a dark and negative light is used in presence of my actress.

I am also using natural lighting from the outdoors. Natural lighting fits with my idea of nature and the idea that my music video is set in fall which I have discussed in a previous post. Natural lighting allows a viewer to see my actress at her most natural and it's so raw and simple but extremely effective. I have already filmed some of my music video outdoors in natural lighting with my actress and the lighting outside was slightly dreary and dark as it had been raining but I was happy with the outcome and it is natural lighting but also fits with my idea of low key lighting.

I will be using some high key lighting in my music video as well. As I plan to film in the drama studio at my school some of my scenes will feature dark lighting but many will feature some high key lighting to silhouette my actress and to cast a bright light behind her in a close up shot which would allow the viewer to focus on her facial expressions and emotions. By using high key lighting I will also be able to cast shadows behind my actress, etc, which will create a mysterious effect and will add to the story in my music video as it is like she is being followed by her past.
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Research into Similar Products / Organisation: CD Inner Tray

The inner tray of a CD is not as important as the CD front and back cover but it is important in its own way. It is important that the inner tray has relevance to the rest of the CD layout and colour scheme so that it is not a random image place inside a CD case.
I looked at two images of Lana Del Rey which include flowers in the background. I feel that these two images would fit well inside a CD inner tray and with the right colours used this idea could fit well with my CD front and back cover. I love the idea of using flowers for my inner tray or even leaves to further link to the idea of the Season of Autumn within my music video and ancillary products.
I will experiment with this idea to see if it will work with my idea and then put the images into a CD inner tray layout to see if it fits well. I will only start to do this after I have decided what I would like on my CD front and back cover.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Organisation: Location

Originally, I wanted to film some parts of my music video in Stratford Upon Avon but recently had a change of heart when me and my actress visited Worcester for the day on October 30th. Worcester is a very pretty place and I think it is pleasing to walk around and see all the nice sights. I took some photos of areas that me and my actress walked around and filmed some clips for my music video in these places also.
The outside location is fitting to my music video as it fits with my story line and the lyrics of 'Video Games'. Much of the location is also quite natural which is what I was aiming for as I want my music video to feature quite a bit of nature and have natural elements throughout.
The Church is relevant to my music video as at the start of 'Video Games' there are church bells so I thought this would fit nicely. This Church also overlooks the River Severn and makes the scene look aesthetically pleasing.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Organisation: Location

I have decided to use the Drama Studio at my school for some of the scenes in my music video. I am hoping that by using the Drama Studio the shots will turn out clearer and fit with the style and dark theme of my music video. I think the Drama Studio has all the qualities I need for some of my scenes as one of my scenes will feature my female lead in a dark room full of stars which I will create. I aim to ask the Drama Teacher if I can use the Studio for my media after school one day and aim to have the scenes filmed in here completed by Mid November.